
Our first thanks go to our wonderful students this semester, who consistently inspired us with their research, insights, and energy. Many thanks to them all for being joys to work with, and for helping to expand on our thinking about fashion and identity.

We are also tremendously grateful to Scott Haselwood, Director of Instructional Technology at the University of Science and Arts Oklahoma and Emily Boles, Online Learning and Faculty Development Specialist at the University of Illinois-Springfield for their fantastic tutorials for our students on how to use digital tools, and for their willingness to so thoughtfully and thoroughly respond to all of our (many!) questions.

We also so much appreciate all of the support from the fabulous COPLAC Digital Team: Leah Tams, Program Associate and Drs. Ellen Holmes Pearson and Jeffrey McClurken, Co-Principal Investigators.  They answered our unending floods of questions, consistently provided sage wisdom and guidance, and did a million little (and many big!) things to help our course grow and flourish.

And finally, we are very grateful to the Andrew W. Mellon Foundation, which generously funds COPLAC Digital, and made our course (and all of the other innovative courses which are part of this initiative) possible.