Those who have come before

Our assignment for this week was to look at a project website for a previous COPLAC class and evaluate it. I visited the Midwestern State project cite from the class “INTO THE WOODS”: EXPERIMENTS IN COMMUNITY, SUSTAINABILITY, AND THE EXAMINED LIFE — FALL 2017.

I visually enjoyed the website setup. The pages were clean and easy to navigate. Even though the author mentioned not being able to get as many pictures as they would have liked, the visual aids were well placed so nothing felt lacking. The story itself about the sustainable community was interesting. I appreciate how they talked about their struggles with getting in touch with the community. As sustainability is often ill defined, I would have appreciated more discussion about it in general.

Since the navigation was very clear and understandable, I would like to copy that in our website. Overall, this was encouraging as this project website is similar to my goals for our project.

One Reply to “Those who have come before”

  1. I, too, have been impressed by those who have come before!

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