Every day, each of us gets out of bed and starts preparing for our day. One of the first things we do is get dressed. Casual, formal, active—our fashion choices are unlimited. There’s clothes to choose from, jewelry to select, scarves to contemplate, hats to envision, and more.
In the spring of 2018, Fashion and Identity in Modern America: Reflecting on the Meaning of Fashion was offered as an online, synchronous course. Part of the Mellon Foundation-funded COPLACDigital initiative, it offered students from six campuses across the United States the opportunity to interact with each other and explore the intricacies of fashion. Questions considered include how and why fashion changes, what is the relationship between the individual and fashion, and how does popular culture reflect contemporary fashion.
The students’ final projects, based on local, archival research, were websites that explored and analyzed specific fashion trends. While each of these websites explored fashion from specific time periods, every project and its correlating objective were unique. Utilizing a variety of digital tools, the students will take you on a journey of interdisciplinary discovery. You will learn about fashion, history, identity, sociology, psychology, and more. Take a few minutes and explore these websites, read the student blogs, and enjoy the journey of discovery.