Just another Fashion and Identity Sites site

Blog Post #7: Website Feedback

This week I’m giving feedback on the websites that my peers have been working on. If you all are like me, there’s still a lot of work to do before the drafts are due on Sunday, but I’ll randomly pick two websites.

First, MSU Texas!

Your site looks really good and you’ve made a lot of progress with it. It is easy to navigate and read. That said, I have two criticisms. First, it would be a little more reader-friendly if your images were placed next to where they are discussed rather than in the Flickr gallery. I’m glad that you specifically mentioned that you were referring to images in the gallery, otherwise I probably wouldn’t have figured it out. If you have to tell me where to look, then it isn’t a very intuitive way to integrate the images with the text. Second, I would have liked to see the analysis deal with identity more. Who is typically part of these organizations? How does their clothing reflect their identity or personal interests? What makes each group different from the others?

Second, UVA Wise!

From the skeleton site you have now, I can tell where you’re planning to go with the project, and I’m excited to see the final product! Reading the transcript of the interview was interesting because these are people who are clearly not very interested in keeping up with fashion trends. Did you get any photos from them? From what I can tell, it looks like you’ll be looking at the particular concerns of people living in that area, and how that played in role in their clothing choices. I’m looking forward to reading about the regional background because I’m interested in learning more about the context of Appalachian fashion choices.

Good luck to everyone! This is new to most of us, and it seems like we’re handling it well!


  1. Ashlee Fandrich

    Thank you for your feedback! We will be considering it as we edit

  2. noyes

    Wow this is fantastic feed back I hope it can be used wisely and effectively.

  3. beltrang

    I’m glad that you enjoyed my site! I have about 20 photographs from my interviewees to share, and they really seem to mimic their fashion descriptions. What they wore in the 60s still looked like something that you would find in the 50s! My interviewees were definitely more concerned with what was going on around them and in the world than what they wore.

  4. bbrown

    Kathryn: I agree with your comments. I think one of the things we all need to work on is clarifying our website’s thesis. What exactly is the goal of this website? What is it setting out to prove? With that in mind, how does each page support this? We all have a good start towards these goals, but explanation, analysis, and support are still needed. Dr Brown

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