When you think about fashion trends of the 1960’s you may find yourself imagining mini skirts, bell bottoms, and bright suits, but popular “trends” found in magazines, television, or even fashion history books, were not always the reality for some individuals who grew up in small-town-Appalachia. This website will explore the regional fashions near the University of Virginia’s College at Wise and how they compare to what was thought to be popular in the 1960’s. Particularly, the site will analyze how common regional beliefs, environmental factors, and the war in Vietnam along with other historic events all seemed to play a part in how individuals near the small town dressed. Information about the events of the 1960’s and how these events shaped fashion can be found within the Events and Fashion Timelines. You can also find information about the region here and enjoy a slideshow depicting regional fashions in the Gallery.
Image courtesy of Clyde and Betty Hill.