Blog Post 6: What Needs Work On Our Site?

Everything. We haven’t actually played with the layout yet. Since Corey has done a similar project and knows quite a bit more about about website design than I do, we both decided that he should be the one to design our site. We also decided that quality content is our top priority because Corey’s knowledge of site building means that we can get that done quickly whereas quality content takes time. For that reason, our site is still in it’s basic form we were given. We do have plans for it though so I’ll try my best to outline those plans below.

  • The site will have an ’80s print header to clue visitors in immediately on our topic.
  • There will be four pages for visitors to click on:
    1. Thesis page
    2. Women’s Fashion in the ’80s
    3. Men’s Fashion in the ’80s
    4. Androgynous Fashion in the ’80s
  • When visitors hover their mouse over those pages they will be given two options:
    1. National Level
    2. Local Level
  • After clicking on the national level tab visitors will see a timeline of cultural events that affected trends in the ’80s for either men, women, or androgynous. This will be followed by a few paragraphs that further explain the important connections between these cultural events and their affect on trends.
  • After clicking on the local level tab visitors will see a slideshow of images pulled from UMW yearbooks in the ’80s for either men, women, or androgynous. This will also be followed by a few paragraphs that further explain why trends from the national level were or were not seen on campus at the time. This will also be where visitors can listen to our oral histories with the experts on this topic.

I hope that made sense and painted a good picture of what we are hoping to accomplish in the upcoming weeks. I’m sorry we haven’t made any major progress this week. It is our spring break and I’m not sure how Corey spent his, but I spent mine exploring the streets of New York City! We will get back on the productive track next week.

In case you want to see the progress we haven’t made, here is a link to our site!

3 thoughts on “Blog Post 6: What Needs Work On Our Site?

  1. Abigal,

    I loved your post. It was so specific and detailed! I really understand how your page is going to look; I’m excited!


  2. I appreciate your update, Abigail. It gives me a clear picture of where you are in your site development. And, New York City for spring break!? Lovely. Dr. Brown

  3. This is a really clear way to organize the site that makes a lot of sense. However, can you define what you mean by androgynous? I’m thinking of it as a trend for both men and women in the 80s, so I’m not really sure why it has a separate page. It seems like you’re focusing on whether or not your campus embraced that specific trend, but you’ll also be discussing other trends for men and women. It makes sense if you mean it to define people who are not presenting themselves as either men or women, and therefore cannot be placed in either category. I guess my point is that it seems like you’re treating androgyny as a separate gender when I’m not sure if that is accurate because I don’t know how you’re defining it.

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