This website is a product of the Fashion and Identity in Modern America course as part of the Melon Foundation funded COPLACDigital program.

This website was created by two University of Mary Washington students: Abigail Whittington and Corey Cooney. Abigail is an English major with a concentration in Creative Writing and a minor in digital studies. Corey is a History and American Studies double major, with a concentration in Modern History and Popular Culture

A special thanks to Prof. Kevin McCluskey, Associate Professor of Theatre at UMW, and Dr. Krystyn Moon, Director of American Studies at UMW, for their willingness to be interviewed and recorded for their insights and expertise about American culture and fashion in the 1980s.

Additional thanks to Dr. Holly Kent, Professor of History at the University of Illinois—Springfield, and Dr. Brenda Brown, Professor of English at the University of Science and Arts Oklahoma, for guiding this project from the vague idea to the polished product.