Lots and Lots and Lots and Lots of Panic

There’s a nightmare happening somewhere right now where some poor unfortunate dreamer is standing next to a powerpoint he hasn’t read, sweating and shaking and generally trying his best not to pass out in front of a group of skeletal teachers, zombified secretaries, and judgmental arachnids with notebooks and sour expressions.

Right here, there’s another nightmare happening: homework, obligations, and the ever-presence of the almighty deadline. 

Needless to say, the second is far more terrifying. We’re awake for this one.

This blog is supposed to center around a number of things, and these number of things all involve customization; which I’ve already done to the extent I currently wish to. I enjoy my current blog template, black on white with little sea-foam green accents, the text on the left so it’s easier to read; I intend to add a background picture, but one of my own making, so there isn’t one just yet. The changes I did make are as follows: the name of the blog, the tagline, and the copyright disclaimer at the bottom. I like the aesthetic simplicity of the blog, so the only thing I thought I might like to change was the words; make it more interesting without detracting from the minimalism. The title now sarcastically reflects both my excitement and abject terror (and the tagline as well), and the copyright string at the bottom amuses me.

The best jokes are the ones you have to hunt for; even if they aren’t particularly funny.

And hey, while we’re on the subject of abject terror, have a website! This is the google culture thing I mentioned in class: a collective of research projects and images from various universities. Regardless of what your project’s about, this should make you feel just a touch less like spontaneously combusting.

Oh, and what else did we need? An embedded video, right, got it. Okay. Google culture is, like, a tool, so the website should probably be useful, shouldn’t it? Something to make my classmate’s lives a little better?


Eh. Why don’t you just learn something about molar evolution?



  1. I am glad to see your ideas slowly coming together, Kyra! You seem to be quite comfortable negotiating around your website and adding links and images. Have you decided which technological resources you will be relying on the most? Dr. Brown

    • K. Merchen

      February 18, 2018 at 8:55 pm

      The plan–which has every possibility of exploding in a burst of tears and confetti, but in a best case nothing-went-wrong scenario–is to use a LOT of animatics: pseudo-animations with voice overs that will basically go through the blog post with personally rendered and properly sourced visuals. Audacity, too, obviously, because of all the interviews we’ll be conducting (and that’ll be useful for animatic voice-overs as well!

  2. This post is so funny! I love your tone. I also decided to keep my website fairly minimalist, but I think yours is even more minimalist than mine. You mentioned that you wanted the words more than the format of the website and I think the changes in words you made were perfect. The title of this post intrigued me so I had to click it and then I was delighted by your blog title and tagline… I just noticed your copyright disclaimer! Funny! Overall, perfect changes. Can’t wait to see the background art you create!

  3. Hi Kyra!
    I am enjoying your blog post titles. Your writing style is very amusing and relatable. I think all college students know to the horror that comes with this thing they call the “college experience.” I have had many nightmares about being late to class or forgetting assignments. Even though I set personal deadlines, something about deadlines set by others makes them way more frightening.
    I also appreciate you linking the Google Culture website on your blog. My partner Emma and I are doing fashion from the 1980’s at Montevallo, so that will be useful for gaining idea of the larger world of fashion at the time. And it looks like just a fun website to look around on.

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