Space Age Fashion and Why It’s Literally the Worst Thing Ever

Good morning Patriarchy, how are you this fine spring day?

So, “space age” fashion, for a really long time, meant dressing like a rocket. Like. Actually dressing like a rocket. The silhouette was conical, like, you know, the nose of a rocket. And people wore fancy buckets on their heads.

60's space age fashion by Pierre Cardin.Linda Morand, 1966 photo from the book "Pierre Cardin: Past, Present, Future"   Space Age Helmut

Ya’ll think I’m joking.

And and and AND when the silhouette wasn’t actively trying to be a literal rocket because these people have no imagination, the times were reflecting themselves hard in science-fiction illustrations like this gem:

Detail from the movie poster for The Green Slime, 1968. Bubble helmet hair: yes

Her suit is open to the frozen airlessness of space and she has no gloves why can you see her boobs do you people have any idea how space actually functions. 

I’m angry.

So the basic plan is to use images like these to see where we pull from historically to represent “future fashion”. And to tear these pictures into little bite-sized pieces I can throw at people on the street because it amuses me.

And voila. Images.

Fight me, 60s.


  1. Kyra:
    I love the images you found! You didn’t mention, as per the prompt, what role these images will play on your site or what digital tools you will be using to include them? I am curious to know what you have chosen. Dr. Brown

    • K. Merchen

      March 6, 2018 at 9:25 pm

      Oops! Okay, so the images at the top will be used as references when we talk about early Space-Age fashion, and the bottom illustration will play a big role when we talk about future-fashion representation and chronic sexism.

  2. Carley Walton

    March 6, 2018 at 7:50 pm


    I loved your images, and I was laughing at all your comments about how sexist some of the images were. It is so funny (and sad) to see how centered things were on women’s figures. My project has a lot to do with sexism as well!

  3. I just want to know why fighting a tentacle alien (???) barehanded was a good idea. And why the other astronaut is not freaking out about his impending death by rocket. And while I’m at it, why is she so calm about being attacked? Oh wait, because every woman is constantly attacked by the patriarchy *sigh* Catherine out to go sob in a corner about society.

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