My Image Plan

Images will definitely play a key role in my final project. Without them, displaying my research would be rather bland and likely not very helpful to any viewers who did not live through the 1960s. The images I choose will help to clearly portray the events and fashion trends from 1960 to 1969. They will also help to represent the lives of the couple I interviewed.

I stated in my contract that I wanted to incorporate timelines using the Timeline JS tool into two of the pages on my site. One page will focus on the general history and significant events that occurred during the 1960s. Some key events will likely concern the war in Vietnam, politics, and the rights’ movements for people of color and women. I plan to include images for each event, if possible. These images will create a cleaner timeline that is easy to follow. The other timeline I wish to create will focus on popular fashion trends of the 1960s including the bright colors and prints that surfaced during the later half of the decade.

Along with the two pages that focus on the general historical aspects of the 1960s, I plan on including two other pages that reflect regional history and fashion trends. These pages will incorporate regional images that mirror each pages’ information. Most of the regional images will likely be displayed in a slideshow format using Google Presentations or Flickr Albums. At this moment, I am most drawn to Google Presentations because it resembles Microsoft PowerPoint, a tool that I am quite familiar with. On the page about regional fashion trends, I thought it may be interesting to include the Juxtapose tool to compare regional and broad fashion trends.

So far, I have not had too much trouble finding images. What I am most worried about is using the images that I do find in a legal manner. While I was researching in my school’s archives, I was able to find tons of images from the 1960s from old magazines. I hope to use some of these images, if possible, to incorporate in the page on the general fashion trends of the 60s. I am also hoping to find some images online, but there is not a large variety under the “labeled for reuse” option. Luckily, I was able to copy quite a few images from the couple that I interviewed, and I have their permission to post them to the public. I do not want to spoil anything about what they wore until my site is up, but I did find it interesting that their fashions were notably different from what was considered “popular.” Having these images of the interviewees and their families will provide a nice touch to the final site!

One thought on “My Image Plan

  1. Ambar:
    I thoroughly enjoyed your detailed response. I like the idea of incorporating the photos from your interviewees. And, I totally understand that what the people actually wore at a specific time is NOT what was seen in ads or on tv! Dr. Brown

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